
The Simplest Diet To Get Jacked

I used to overcomplicate nutrition big time. Like with all things, the more you cut back to the essentials, the easier and more enjoyable the result. After 8 years of tinkering with

How To Get Ripped Without Tracking Calories

What I eventually realised, with enough experience, was that all diets are the same. Sticking to one set of foods guarantees no more results than any other set; there are just dosages. You can overeat on any diet, you can undereat on any diet. Or you can get the balance just right, for your goal at the current point in time (e.g., fat loss).

How I Got Sub-10% Body Fat Eating What I Want

Physiological limits aside, you can’t ignore the fact that you’re a human being. Which means, ultimately, you’re going to do what you want to do. You might keep up your crash-diet plan for a week. Maybe even two weeks. But eventually you’re going to realise that your life is more important than your ambiguous fat-loss goal (which it is!) and throw in the towel.

How I Transformed My Body in 40 Minutes a Week

Here’s what no one seems to be able to wrap their head around: You can’t speed the process up. You can only make the process happen. Stick to it. And let years pass. Once you’ve accepted that, then the goal posts move from “How can I blitz my training and nutrition, give it everything, and do as much as possible...