I used to overcomplicate nutrition big time.

Like with all things, the more you cut back to the essentials, the easier and more enjoyable the result.

After 8 years of tinkering with nutrition to feel and look as good as possible, here’s what my diet looks like now.

It’s probably not perfect. But I feel incredible and very easily maintain ~10% body fat year round eating it, while getting stronger every week. On top of that, every meal I eat is the best tasting thing I’ve ever put in my mouth.

So I’ve got something right, for me at least. 

The Diet

My diet can be boiled down to the following components: meat, fruit, and full-fat dairy. I truly think this is the best diet in the world to support muscle growth, stay lean, and feel fantastic year-round. 

More specifically:

  • Red meat (my main protein source)

Enough to hit 100g protein a day, so 500g (raw weight). Always beef or lamb. I usually slow cook a bone-in lamb shoulder at the start of the week, or I grill up cheap beef mince as burger patties. Seasoned with a generous bit of sea salt, both taste incredible.

  • Dairy (my main fat source)

Enough for everything to taste awesome. Butter, cheese, full fat yogurt, milk. 

  • Fruit, honey, and white rice (my carb sources)

Enough to hit my calorie target. Literally any fruit. Often apples and melon. Always sushi rice (it’s the best).

  • Liver & egg yolks (my nutritional supplement foods)

1/2oz liver and 3 egg yolks a day. As a routine part of my daily lunchtime meal, to make sure I’m as well-nourished as possible.

And that’s it. I don’t worry about trying to get fancy with my cooking or the variety of foods I include.

Instead I keep it super simple. Meat fruit and dairy. Hit my protein, then eat as much as my body wants.

Test It and Go From There

If you’re finding nutrition confusing, start with this and see what happens. 

Get in 500g of red meat a day, enjoy gorging yourself a bunch of fresh fruit and honey, and as much butter and cheese as your heart desires.

Then if you want to fine-tune things, you can dial in your total calories for your current goal.

But you’ll probably find that just by basing your diet on these highly nutritious foods, you’ll naturally eat an amount of calories that leans you out and then fuels steady muscle growth anyway.

Focus on your training, wake up in 3 years ripped without even trying.

Your body doesn’t want you fat and weak. It just wants proper fuel.

So try feeding it this and see what happens.

And don’t skimp on the salt.